Canadian Firefighter Magazine

Kamloops Fire Rescue celebrates 140 years of service

Jared Dodds   

News Headlines Hot Topics anniversary fire department service

July 22, 2024, Kamloops, B.C. — Kamloops Fire Rescue recently celebrated 140 years of service, with the Kamloops Fire Brigade forming in August 1884.

The department has evolved significantly over that time, now servicing over 10,000 emergencies annually.

“There has been a tremendous amount of change over 140 years, with advancements in equipment and apparatus to new fire stations and the numerous chiefs at the helm leading a dedicated team,” said Ken Uzeloc, fire chief, in a media statement.

The department is celebrating their history with a barbeque at each fire stations over the course of the summer, allowing community members to meet their firefighters, tour the station, and view the apparatus.


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